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Advanced planning is a thoughtful and considerate act that your loved ones will truly appreciate when the time comes.

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Tim was excellent! He was not pushy, and made the experience as best as it could be at a difficult time. He gave helpful, appropriate advice for things outside the funeral. The other staff were also very welcoming and supportive.
Tim was excellent! He was not pushy, and made the experience as best as it could be at a difficult time. He gave helpful, appropriate advice for things outside the funeral. The other staff were also very welcoming and supportive.

Jason W

June '21

All the staff were very professional and my husband was prepared wonderfully. Ben Simpson did a great job.

The Family of William Roberts

Everything about our experience was handled perfectly.

The Family of Rita Melton

Everything was done in a very respectful, efficient and timely and professional manner.

The Family of Audrey Moon

The services were very well handled and the professionalism was outstanding.

The Family of Lottie Boutwell

Mr. Tim Bailey was an angel, he helped so much-we will never be able to thank him enough for all he did.

The Family of Eddie Bond